Grading FAQs for Faculty
Check out the first question in the Canvas FAQ webpage and click on the "Preparing your Canvas Gradebook to Pull Grades to Banner link under the first question. Once your grades are pushed from Canvas into Banner, you can review and change grades through your Faculty Tab in myNMSU.
You have not been assigned as the instructor of the course if it is missing from list of classes. Please ask your Department to submit a change through CLSS.
You can enter/change grades from the time grading is opened up until it closes. However, once grading closes at 5 p.m. Mountain Time on the Tuesday following finals week (Monday in Summer), you’ll need to fill out a Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete Form for every student who is missing grades or for every student who is needing a grade change. The form is available on your Faculty Tab in my.NMSU
You entered those dates when you entered midterm grades. You can either delete or change the Last Date of Attendance, as appropriate.
The student is not officially registered in the class. The student will need to submit a Registration Deadline Waiver Petition and Change of Schedule Form to retroactively register for the class, before you can issue a grade. Both forms can be found on the Forms page of the University Student Records website.
You don’t have to enter grades to students who have officially withdrawn from a class or from the university. They already have a grade of “W” recorded in Banner.
If you assign a non-passing grade (“F,” “U,”, "I" or “RR”), you must also enter a last date of attendance.
This should be that last academic-related activity the student took part in-a test, homework, participation in an online discussion, etc. If you enter a non-passing grade without a last date of attendance, you will receive an error message and your final grades will not be saved until you enter that information.
NOTE: Banner requires dates be entered using the format-mm/dd/yyyy. Example, April 1 must be entered as 04/01/2023.
This should be that last academic-related activity the student took part in-a test, homework, participation in an online discussion, etc. If you enter a non-passing grade without a last date of attendance, you will receive an error message and your final grades will not be saved until you enter that information.
NOTE: Banner requires dates be entered using the format-mm/dd/yyyy. Example, April 1 must be entered as 04/01/2023.
If a student is registered but never attended, please enter the first day of class as the last day of attendance.
No, you only need to enter a Last Attendance Date if a student has a non-passing grade.
When you submit grades, and there are no problems, the following message should appear at the top of the page: "Save Successful, grading for CRN XXXXX is completed" and the status will change to "Completed".
You can print or export your class list, with grades included, by selecting the "Class Lists (includes Wait Lists)" link on your Faculty Services menu in my.NMSU. Click on the section you want to print. You will be taken to the class list for that section. Click the "Export" or "Print" icons in the top right corner of the page.
You should enter a PR as the final grade. The Graduate School will inform University Student Records to update the final grade of “S” or “U” by submitting the Final Thesis Dissertation Grade Slip.
You can make changes to grades before grading closes, but once grading has closed, you will need to fill out a Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete Form. The form is available on your Faculty Tab on my.NMSU.
No, You’ll need to fill out a Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete Form for each student in the class.